If God is spirit, how man was created in God's image?

It is said in Holy Bible that God created man in his own images....but Bible says God is spirit  why this contradiction?

Man in God's Image

Genesis 1:27 says : So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

John 4:24 says : God is a spirit. Those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth

Is there a contradiction between Genesis 1:27 and John 4:24.

Genesis 1:27 does not suggest that God takes on a human form. Instead, it indicates that humans reflect God's image through their moral, spiritual, and intellectual qualities.

God created people from dust and breathed life into them with His own breath (Genesis . 2:7). Thus, humans are unique among all of God's creations, possessing both a material (body) and an immaterial (soul) component. Bearing the image and likeness of God simply means  that we were made to resemble God in all the deeds. God wants us to be in  an eternal relationship with Him.

So Genesis 1:27 doesn't contradict John 4:24.

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