Reasons are here:
Disparities in Core Beliefs: Islam runs counter to Christianity's portrayal of Jesus Christ's teachings.
Prophetic Discrepancies: Muhammad, the founder of Islam, is viewed by Christians as a false prophet since his deeds do not correspond with the traits of prophets mentioned in the Bible.
Islam denies the central tenets of Christianity, including the existence of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and the atonement provided by Jesus Christ.
Origins of Worship: Islam's conception of God is very different from Christianity's, having been introduced by Muhammad. Islam depicts a god that Mohammed chose from among the 360 gods that his Qureshi tribe worshipped.
Salvation and the Crucifixion: Islam rejects both the idea of salvation via Jesus Christ and the crucifixion. Even the islamic world is confused about Death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein a renowned Islamic scholar from Trinidad and Tobago talks about the truth of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.
Jesus' divinity is a basic tenet of Christian religion, however Islam rejects this claim. Muslims claim that In the Bible, Jesus never said he is God. But If you carefully read the Holy Bible you can see the Proof for divinity of Jesus.
Islam's political aspect: Islam is a political religion since it combines religious and political aspects and embraces a vision of a united Muslim Ummah.
Contrasting Visions of Heaven: Christianity sees heaven as a place of spiritual delight in God's presence, but Islam describes paradise as a realm of material pleasures (with an endless supply of alcohol and 72 hours of pleasure).
Abrahamic Claim: Islam maintains that it is an Abrahamic religion, but its origins and beliefs are not the same as those of Christianity or Judaism.
Violence and Peace: While some interpretations of Islam have been linked to terrorism and violence, which has resulted in international conflicts, the Holy Bible advocates for peace and forgiveness. Islamic terrorism is causing agony to the entire planet. Every terrorist adheres to the same scripture, the Quran, and refers to one deity as "Allahu Akbar" when carrying out bombings or killings.
Perception of Muhammad: Christians' perception of Muhammad is that he led people astray from the redemption that Jesus Christ provided.
Promise of Eternal Life: Mohammed had never promised his followers about the eternal life. But Jesus claimed "I am the way, the truth and the life". Who ever follows Jesus and his teachings will be blessed eternally.
It appears impossible to discover a common ground that would bring Islam and Christianity together because of these stark contrasts.
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Prayer for Priests
God, our Father, please send us holy priests, all for the sacred and eucharistic heart of Jesus, all for the sorrowful and immaculate heart of Mary, in union with saint Joseph. Amen.
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