Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having
put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your
feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace (Ephesians
In order stand in the Christian life – to stand amidst the inevitable
conflict and struggle that comes and goes as we live for God – we
are given essential help. The help is represented to us with the
pictures of the equipment of a Roman soldier.
In this last part of Ephesians 6:14-15 the Apostle Paul relates a
particular part of the Roman solder's equipment – their distinctive
sandals. As it connects to the Christian experience, those sandals
are like having shod your feet with the preparation of the
gospel of peace
Notice, the preparation of the gospel is represented as these
protective boots (or sandals) worn by Roman soldiers. No one can
fight effectively or effectively go about their business without this
The ancient Jewish historian Josephus described these sandals:
"shoes thickly studded with sharp nails." Many historians believe
that one reason for the great success of Roman armies was that
they could march long distances over rough ground and fight with a
firm footing.
Preparation is a word meaning "a prepared foundation." The
gospel provides the footing for everything we do. However powerful
the rest of your body is, if you are wounded in your feet you are
easy prey for the enemy.
Paul probably had Isaiah 52:7 in mind when he refers to having
shod your feet: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of
him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad
tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion,
'Your God reigns!'" It is all vitally connected to the good news of
who Jesus is and what He did for us at the cross. It was announced
by prophets like Isaiah, and reported by Paul and others.
The idea of preparation is really readiness - we must be mobile,
flexible, ready with the gospel. This is a something to have in the
Christian life, to live in constant readiness and standing.
Don't miss the point – without having the gospel as your constant
foundation, as much as a soldier constantly has his boots – you
aren't prepared. You are an easy target. Never let go of the
preparation of the gospel of peace.
By David Guzik
put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your
feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace (Ephesians
In order stand in the Christian life – to stand amidst the inevitable
conflict and struggle that comes and goes as we live for God – we
are given essential help. The help is represented to us with the
pictures of the equipment of a Roman soldier.
In this last part of Ephesians 6:14-15 the Apostle Paul relates a
particular part of the Roman solder's equipment – their distinctive
sandals. As it connects to the Christian experience, those sandals
are like having shod your feet with the preparation of the
gospel of peace
Notice, the preparation of the gospel is represented as these
protective boots (or sandals) worn by Roman soldiers. No one can
fight effectively or effectively go about their business without this
The ancient Jewish historian Josephus described these sandals:
"shoes thickly studded with sharp nails." Many historians believe
that one reason for the great success of Roman armies was that
they could march long distances over rough ground and fight with a
firm footing.
Preparation is a word meaning "a prepared foundation." The
gospel provides the footing for everything we do. However powerful
the rest of your body is, if you are wounded in your feet you are
easy prey for the enemy.
Paul probably had Isaiah 52:7 in mind when he refers to having
shod your feet: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of
him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad
tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion,
'Your God reigns!'" It is all vitally connected to the good news of
who Jesus is and what He did for us at the cross. It was announced
by prophets like Isaiah, and reported by Paul and others.
The idea of preparation is really readiness - we must be mobile,
flexible, ready with the gospel. This is a something to have in the
Christian life, to live in constant readiness and standing.
Don't miss the point – without having the gospel as your constant
foundation, as much as a soldier constantly has his boots – you
aren't prepared. You are an easy target. Never let go of the
preparation of the gospel of peace.
By David Guzik
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Daily Prayers
Pray for Souls in Purgatory
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus, with all the Masses being said all over the world this day, for the Souls in Purgatory.....Read Me or Rue It
Purgatory, according to Catholic Church doctrine, is an intermediate state after physical death in which those destined for heaven undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven. Here is a book that tells us how to save ourselves and how to save others from untold suffering in purgatory. Read Me or Rue It it now. Jesus, Mary, I Love You, Save Souls
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