Let my Lent be renovating His temple

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Praise the Lord.

Bite. Chew. Swallow…  Bite. Chew. Swallow…   Bite. Chew. Swallow... 
It is my pastime.  In fact I live for it.  I even work for it.  If I don’t have a good health, what I will do.  In fact only thing I do religiously without any fail is to fill up my paunch, if possible three times daily, leave aside small snacks together with colleagues and friends.   In this process, I gather all diseases and to get rid of them I go consume lots of medicines too.   I doubt whether I had a slightest idea of what I was doing to my body.

In fact, my friends say I have a good taste bud and I too boast about my right time of entry whenever Tiffin or snacks bar is arranged by anyone.  I don’t care about cuisine but I want to grab the opportunity and satisfy my hunger.  

Lord Jesus, immediately after you’re baptized you’re given an opportunity to make yourself ready for carrying out our Heavenly father’s work: to redeem us.  You spent 40 day and night without food and water to show us we can also do the same.  To make us spiritually fit to do your will in our life, give us the grace to first renovate our body, the dwelling place of your Holy Spirit, the temple of God by abstaining from excessive eating and drinking, at least in this Lenten season.  Give me the grace to bite, chew and swallow the food for my soul. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.

God bless you
with love and prayers
jolly jacob, new delhi


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