How to Bloom

Rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings. — 1 Peter 4:13

My family and I live in an apartment, so our "flower garden" consists of what we can grow in indoor pots. For a long time our plants would not flower despite watering and fertilizing. Then we discovered that the soil had to be raked and turned over if the plants were to bloom. Now our potted plants are a pure joy to look at with their healthy leaves and blooming flowers.

Sometimes we need a little raking and turning in our own lives to make us bloom. Writing to the harassed believers in his day, Peter said, "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice" (1 Peter 4:12-13).

Like the soil in our potted plants, these Christians were having their lives "turned over." God's purpose in doing that was to allow their faith to result in praise and glory to Him at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1:7).

God wants to loosen the things that can choke our lives and that prevent us from radiating joy. To do this, He sometimes has to allow pain and trouble — trials that help stir up the soil of our lives. If this is what you are experiencing today, rejoice. Surrender to His touch and acquire a joy and fruitfulness you never imagined possible. — C. P. Hia

Turning the soil and pulling the weeds
Helps garden flowers to grow,
And if we're to see growth in our lives
Trials and testings we'll know. — Sper

Those who bless God in their trials will be blessed by God through their trials.

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