The Stone the Builders Rejected

We all are much familiar with the Psalms 118:22 which say "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone". Beautiful, isn't it? Our normal reflection on the verse would probably bring on to the life, crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord. Christ once dejected and rejected become the cornerstone of salvation. He is our capstone indeed. For the same reason, doesn't the verse look also look into mine and your eyes and convey something deeper?

It's tough to pass a normal day without getting bruised in this fast living modern world right? Every moment of ours is pretty much filled with competition for survival as well as too many expectations from others on how our life needs to be flourished. Many among us lives with and in fear, pain and taste of rejection: rejection at schools and colleges, at work places, from own parents/children, from friends and loved ones.

We, being called for and tasted with the love of God at some point of time in our life, probably in our small living situations also struggle often to grow and flourish in spirituality, right?. Still even after all those struggles and prayers many of us feel that our prayers went unheard. The graces and blessings we asked for are not granted. A few of us may even felt rejected from heavens, isn't it?

God created human being in his own image and likeness (Genesis 1:27). He provided human being life through His own breath (Genesis 2:7). He provided human being the authority on everything God created (Genesis 1:26), (Mark 16:17-18). Why, still, many of us stay wretched and live in lost hope? While we are supposed to live a life of fullness as we live with Christ (John 10:10), many among us simply exist/float in own life, right? A few unstoppable habits, those constraining finances, some restraining illnesses, too many recurring failures in various paths of life: instances are many and reasons are a lot for us to give up on ourselves, right? Are you a stone or a sitting duck, originally created for marvelous things in various walks of life, now stay rejected, stuck and unexplored by yourself? Are you extremely lost even to yourself and thinking a case of beyond reparation?

It seems like Psalms 118:22 is inviting all of us, who felt rejected and useless at one or the other point/walk of our life, to give our lord a chance to work up on us and work with us. The verse is the proof of an open invitation to anyone and everyone in need to take their lives in confidence to the throne of graces (Hebrews 4:16).  To those who are struggling in spiritual dryness and live in pain of rejection even after approaching the thorn of graces, this verse is a healing tool for them. Remember that the one who promised us is faithful (Hebrews 10:23) (1 King 8:56). Claim the word of God as our forefather Jacob clung on to the God for a blessing (Genesis 32:26)

"He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me." (Psalms18:19)

Love and Prayers,
Jaison Davis

NB: Request you to read the Bible quotes as well which are mentioned here in this small mail for a deeper reading.

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