Popes who visited India - Papal visits to india

Popes who visited India are Paul VI, John Paul II. Pope Paul VI Visited Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1964 to attend the International Eucharistic Congress. Pope John Paul II paid two visits, one in 1986 and other in 1999. So till now there have been three papal visits to India.

Ist Papal Visit by
Pope Paul VI in 1964

IInd Papal Visit by
Pope John Paul VI in 1986

III Papal Visit by
Pope John Paul VI in 1999

I Papal Visit to India : Visit of Pope Paul VI to India in 1964 (November 12 to 15)
II Papal Visit to India: First visit of Pope John Paul II in 1986
III Papal Visit to India: Second visit of Pope John Paul II in 1999

First Papal Visit of Pope John Paul II
10-day visit to India
The Pope was greeted by then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and President Zail Singh.
The Pope visited the Delhi site where Gandhi was cremated after his assassination in 1948.

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